
Pan argonostes, Neo-Chimpanzee, is the third youngest agknowledged race in the Five Galaxies. They are a 2nd level Client, which is remarkable in itself due to the age of the race- only 350 Earth years. Their 3rd Stage Uplift Ceremony was interrupted in the Garthling incident. They are full members of Earthclan along with their Human Patrons and Neo-Dolphin siblings. Male Neo-Chimpanzees are called "chens," females are "chimmies" and the genderless pronoun is "chim." Neo-Chimpanzees are bilaterally symmetrical, omnivorous, bipedal, oxygen breathing mammals, and are very close genetic relatives to Humans (perhaps the closest in Galactic History, excluding the Traeki/Jophur). They stand about four to five feet high and can now walk completely upright, without the need to use their hands. Indeed, knuckle-walking is no longer a practical means of locomotion.

Many improvements have been implemented upon the chim population. Certain areas of the brain have been expanded for advanced computation and language skills. The tongue, pallette, and larynx have also been heavily modified to accomplish the speaking itself. The jutting of the brow has been lessened, as well as the massive jaw. The spine has been staightened for upright locomotion, and the legs have been lengthened and straightened. The feet have been flattened, but can still be used as semi usefull hands that have much better gripping ability than those of their Patrons. Their thumbs have also been slightly moved for better gripping. The hips and birth canals of the females have been widened to accomodate giving birth to infants with larger brains and skulls.

The cosmetic-functional adjustments to the race have drawn attention and many Galactics believe that the Humans are turning their Clients into caricatures of themselves because they feel so alone.

Chims can speak Anglic from the age of three, before which the bones in the pallatte have not finished developing. Infants use hand signals to form a visual sign language, and certain hand movements and gestures are used throughou the chim's life. Sign language also is playing an important role in the development of and emerging distinctive Neo-Chimpanzee culture. One of the greatest fears for a chim is speech atavism. They hold spoken language above all the other improvements they have recieved, and many chims who do lose their speech abilities end up committing suicide.

Neo-Chimpanzees are found on all Earthclan colonies.